Tagged with 'budget'


The Secret to Retirement: Start Small, Grow Big

Now that the economy seems to be righting itself, if even just a little bit, it is time for people to get in the habit of saving again.


Six Budgeting Tips for the Person Saving for College

Most prospective students worry about how they’ll pay for tuition, books, and living expenses while attending college. At the same time, they know a college education is important for financial stability later in life.

Money Plan

Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2013 with These 7 Great Resolutions

Because so many of us wish to be in better fiscal standings, we’ve compiled our list of 7 great resolutions and ways to improve your personal finances in 2013.


Avoid Complete Financial Meltdown: Be a Smart Christmas Shopper

Christmas shopping has already started but so had a LOT of debt. Don’t be the one stuck with loads of bills at the end of the year by learning how to be a smart shopper. It is possible to bring JOY without loads of DEBT.

No Stress

Preparing For Your Future Doesn’t Have To Be Stressful

Some people find thinking about the future so stressful that they refuse to do it; this is the worst possible thing to do. A person who has not done any planning for their future may suddenly find that they have no money but cannot get a full time job in a new career.


5 ways to decrease your debt payments

It takes a bit of effort, but by following these five steps you can decrease your debt repayments for good.

Vacation tips

Travel Budgeting: How to Improve Your Car’s Gas Mileage

Long travels may require you to fill up the tank one or more times and gas is not particularly cheap these days - here are some tips on how you can improve the gas mileage of your vehicle.


Surviving on One Income Amid Two-Income Economic Demands

Although it can be difficult, families do have plenty of budgeting tips and techniques at their disposal. From comparing vehicle insurance rates online to downsizing to a smaller home, surviving on one income is possible for many households with a certain amount of lifestyle adjustment.

auto finance

How to Pay Off Your Car Loan Early

Of course, most of us have car loans because we couldn’t afford to pay the full price for the car there and then, which is no surprise as cars are extremely expensive. Now, you might find that the car loan is dragging you down so here are a few things you can do to ensure that you pay it off early.


Budget Savvy Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

On a tight budget but want to get mom something special for Mother’s Day? Sometimes the best gifts are not the ones that are purchased with a credit card or a large amount of money, but rather they are the ones that come from the heart.

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